In the previous article, we talked about team goals, which should be aligned with the purpose of the team or organization. Once the objectives and goals are defined and approved, normally by a higher level of the organization, the next step is to identify the strategy to achieve these objectives and goals. The Strategy is more than a recipe. It includes:
1. The decisions we make to fuel and achieve goals and objectives.
2. Values defining what is important to the team.
Thus, the Strategy defines what must be done (and what is not), and even defines which are the critical tasks, those in which the team members will focus on their daily work.
Core Lean strategies include, among others:
1. Take care of our existing clients by helping them improve their results and scale through the development of their people using the expertise of Core Lean members.
2. Establish new relationships with selected clients who share our values and principles.
3.Be visible, showing the unprecedented pace of progress we can achieve together.
Being visible is of paramount importance to Core Lean as a new startup in order to support current customers and develop new relationships. Sharing successes and learning from past challenges is always welcomed by organizations and teams who want to evolve in the long term. Sometimes visibility is achieved through the fantastic collaboration of our friends and existing customers who open their doors and share with others. Sometimes this is accompanied by social events like Run Mate Lake Geneva, where shared values such as teamwork, commitment and achievement are highlighted. A living challenge can be experienced as a team and exponentially elevated through a leadership session such as the LEADERSHIP LAB.
Once the strategy is identified and aligned, it is important to define HOW the strategy will be executed. In this regard, we need to consider different design elements, for example:
Tasks: What needs to be done? For Run Mate by Core Lean Lake Geneva, your team must run 219 km in 28 relays by a team of 2 to 9 Mates. How to build or maintain the physical condition required for each Mate?
People and structure: How many Mates do you have on your team? Who are the strongest? How many kilometers will each member run? When / what relay to assign to each person?
Information: How will people know when to be ready? How do you communicate when something has gone differently than expected?
Decisions: Can I continue another stint if I still feel strong? If a change of command or assignment must be made, who decides?
First aid: How to handle if someone is injured or ill?
Answering these questions and having all teammates and external supporters aligned puts your team in a good starting position and with a good chance of success.
In the next article, we'll talk about how to visualize the behaviors you can expect from this strategy and design elements. This exercise should validate and confirm what we have described in this article, but be patient...it will come soon.